Mrs. Behmlander
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Chapel on Monday.  Offerings this week can come in sock form or a monetary gift will help to purchase socks for shelters in our area. 

Our Bible accounts for this week will teach us about Gideon.   This is a great story to help us learn about the victory we have in Jesus!   God gave Gideon a victory over his enemies as Gideon trusted in Him.   God also gives us the victory over sin, death and the devil as we trust in Jesus, our Savior.


Language Arts

This week we learn tackle two letters and sounds 'i' and 'j'.  Similar in shape it is good to learn them together and differentiate between the two. With 'i' being a vowel there are many extra things to learn about this letter. 

We will read " Flowers " and "The Tree"  to help us practice the words 'you' and 'has'.

This week we will also be introduced to verbs/action words and we will look at the parts of a book and see how different sections of a book can help us to learn and answer questions as we read.


Our new unit will help us with classifying and counting data.  The approach is to classify an item into things that they have in common... such as animals with four legs, and then have our second group be animals that do not have four legs, so this group might have 2 legged animals and animals with 0 legs.  

Science/Social Studies

Our new unit has us  learning about forces of motion...pushes and pulls.  This week we will mostly be reading about these concepts but hands on experiences are on the way!


This week we will review the first 5 commandments.

First Commandment

You shall have no other gods.

Second Commandment

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

Third Commandment

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 

Fourth Commandment

Honor your father and mother.

Fifth Commandment

You shall not murder.