Mrs. Keilman
4K Happenings

Monday 10/21/2024

Chapel Mission--SOCKTOBER  We are collecting NEW socks for the needy--the Weekly Warrior has more details

Spelling List 10
1. across 7. banana 13. mountain
2. alone 8. appear 14. ocean
3. among 9. compass 15. cousin
4. brother 10. pedal 16. purchase
5. again 11. given 17. often
6. front 12. heaven 18. color

Tuesday 10/22/2024

Memory Work--Luther's Morning Prayer part 1

Wednesday 10/23/2024

Memory Work--Luther's Morning Prayer part 2

Spelling--pre-test on List 10

Library books are due by today!


Memory Work--Luther's Evening Prayer part 1

Maroon & Gold Day today! There will be an assembly at the end of the day for Fall Sports' Awards.

Parent/Teacher conferences after school today


Spelling--final test on List 10

English test--Group 4B sentences

Crazy Sock day--for collecting the most pairs of socks in 4th grade we earned a Crazy Sock day today!

Parent/Teacher conferences after school today

Misc. Notes

ILS YouTube Channel--ILS Warriors (please subscribe to our channel if you have not done so yet)