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Show me the Way ... for to You I lift up my soul.

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8

As productive American citizens & as Christians, we should take time to help those around us.

As a way to encourage volunteering, students who go 'above and beyond' normal chores (etc) and assist others that are in need will be rewarded one extra credit point per hour worked.

Please see the handout Mr. Smith passed out the first week of school for more information on what counts for extra credit and what doesn't (as discussed in class), and how to document the service (as discussed in class).

Immanuel Lutheran Church is looking for Sunday morning greeters & families to collect visitor slips after the 11:15 service.  Students will get extra credit if they serve to welcome people.  See Mr. Smith for information and to be put on the church schedule. 

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Created: Jan 25, 2011
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Updated: Aug 8, 2018
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Created: Jan 25, 2011
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Updated: Aug 8, 2018
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